
What Is House Dust?

House Dust

What Is House Dust?

Dust contains pollutants, viruses, and micro organisms that can stimulate allergies. The air ducts in your home retains moisture and provides a breeding ground for molds and mites.

Dust particles, hidden in your home’s ductwork, contribute to household odors that even commercial room air fresheners just can’t find.

They can also be the source of hay fever-like symptoms out of season.

The best possible way to rid your home of this indoor pollutant is to have your air duct system professionally cleaned.

The only way to have this done thoroughly is by using a truck-mounted vacuum system and high pressure compressed air. Leaf blowers or such low-quality duct cleaning equipment will not suffice, unless you are looking for a very low-quality job. A low quality duct cleaning is what you can normally expect from someone who offers a “whole house special”.

If you’re looking for a quality duct cleaning job for your home, call City Duct Cleaning Inc. today!

(416) 293-1800

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