
Warning Signs That Your Dryer Vent Is Clogged

dryer vent cleaner

To begin, it’s important to point out that a dryer vent isn’t the same as the lint trap. The latter is something you would clean following every dry cycle. In comparison, you need to hire a company for the vent. With a dryer vent cleaning service, a qualified technician will remove any clogs.

Before going into the signs of having a clogged vent, note that this is the leading cause of house fires. As debris becomes hot, it can ignite. So, at least once a year, you should schedule a professional dryer duct cleaning.

How to Tell if You Need Dryer Vent Cleaning for Your Toronto Home

Extended Dryer Times

If your dryer works perfectly fine, it should completely dry a load of laundry for the time you select. So, a load of towels set for 45 minutes should come out dry. However, if you need to frequently add more time, consider that a warning sign.

In this case, a clog in the vent doesn’t allow for proper airflow. As a result, trapped air inside of the dryer leaves the laundry hot and moist but not dry. Simply use a dryer vent cleaning service to remove the clog.

Hot to the Touch

At no time should a dryer feel hot to the touch. If you experience this, contact a reputable source for dryer duct cleaning right away. This happens when a dryer has to work overtime to dry the laundry.

Normally, a dryer exhausts moisture and heat during a drying cycle. If a clog exists, both moisture and heat remain inside. That means excessive heat builds up inside. When that happens, a dryer will overheat and become hot to the touch.

Even more alarming, the excessive heat could start a fire. This is a prime example of why you never want to leave the house with the dryer running.

The Smell of Something Burning

This is never good for any appliance, especially a dryer. As stated, without the ability to release moisture and heat to the outside, a dryer becomes incredibly hot. The burning smell comes from overheated debris trapped inside the duct vent. This is a telltale sign that you need dryer vent cleaning from a respected Toronto source.

More Lint than Usual

Along with heat and moisture, some degree of lint escapes through the dryer vent. So, if you notice more lint in the trap than usual, pay attention. That indicates there’s something inside of the vent preventing a portion of the lint from passing through. Use this as a sign that you need dryer duct cleaning.

Allow Us to Help

City Duct Cleaning, Inc specializes in cleaning dryer vents and more. Whether you’ve noticed any of these warning signs or it’s time for scheduled maintenance, give us a call. We guarantee you’ll have a positive experience with our dryer vent cleaning service.

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