

Good Service Is Good Business

Good Service Is Good Business

Here’s an interesting and very true quote that we’d like to share. “Good Service Is Good Business” – Siebel Ad.

This one hits close to home for us because its something that we’ve always been aware of. We have not only been aware of this fact but we’ve lived it and have practiced it always since we first opened the doors at City Duct Cleaning back in 1987.

Providing excellent service is something that we strive to do for all our customers. We know that the customer experience begins with their first phone call. We have knowledgeable office staff who are available to answer almost all of your questions related to our services. Our office staff are very polite and are extremely helpful but they are not duct cleaning technicians.
So if you ask some very technical question on the phone that they do not know, they’ll tell you straight up that they do not know, and will then most definitely find out for you and call you back promptly with the answer.

We are very upfront about our pricing, our methods and our services. All you have to do is ask. And if there was something that you forgot to ask, we’d probably tell you anyway if it is relevant to your request.

That’s where our good service begins but it definitely does not end there. Once an appointment has been made, we will keep in touch with you and once we are on site, that’s when the customer gets to see what we can really do.

We provide a number of additional services besides air duct cleaning. We also do related things such as dryer duct cleaning, air balancing, duct repair and furnace and duct installations and we are quite excellent at solving calls such as no heating in certain rooms or areas of your home. We’ve saved several people even the cost of a service call by solving such problems over the phone free of charge.

The owners of City Duct were in the heating industry before starting this company. They alone have about 75 years of combined experience, so there is very, very rarely any heating or duct-related issue that they can not solve. And if something were to come up? We personally know dozens of the best heating contractors in the city, and they are always available to us for consultation by phone or in person if we request it. So getting answers is not that hard.

We are always keeping an eye on our customer experience and will sometimes provide a quality questionaire that we might ask you to fill out. The feedback that we have received from this simple form during the last 25 years has helped us fine tune our procedures very nicely. We are always listening to our customers and this has helped us grow tremendously over the years.

If you need air duct cleaning services in your home or place of work, give us a call. You’ll like the way we do business.

108mmx beware of carbon monoxide

Carbon Monoxide Detectors Now Mandatory In Ontario

Carbon Monoxide detectors are now mandatory in all homes in Ontario.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas that is odorless, tasteless and invisible.

CO is produced when fossil fuels burn incompletely due to insufficient oxygen. Fuels that can cause CO include natural gas, propane, kerosene, gasoline, coal, wood and charcoal.

Unlike smoke, Carbon Monoxide mixes evenly with the air. It is not necessary to have a CO detector installed on every floor of your home, but should be located where it would be most likely to wake you up if a dangerous situation were to suddenly occur. A typical home may have one installed upstairs in the hallway outside the bedrooms, and if there is a bedroom or sleeping area in the basement, then you should have one there too.

CO detectors come in battery-operated portable models, or can simply be plugged into any 120 volt electrical outlet. They may also be hard-wired into your home, and in this case they would normally be installed on the ceiling. Since CO does mix evenly with the air in your home, it is not crucial that your CO detector be installed on the ceiling.

portable plug-in carbon monoxide detector

Portable CO detectors need to be re-calibrated at least once every 5 years. If your’s is older than that it would be prudent to replace it.

There have been news articles in our area in recent history about people dying in their homes due to carbon monoxide poisoning, and I’m sure you have heard about this happening. We have a customer who’s carbon monoxide detector woke up their family at four o’clock in the morning. They called the Fire Department and they told him it was because of his furnace.

His gas furnace was only 12 years old but had developed a crack in the heat exchanger. He called us early in the morning and we are able to install a new furnace for him that day. He took the opportunity to upgrade to a high-efficiency model. Lucky for him and his family that they did have that carbon monoxide detector. There’s proof right there that they do save lives.

107mmx kinds of dust masks

The Kinds of Dust Masks and Why They Are Important

Dust masks are used to protect users from dust and other airborne dangers. Finding the right mask is easy; all you need to do is first recognize what you need it for. If you thought that this protective device is simple and just plain, well you are wrong, they actually come in a variety of excellent and lovely designs. Manufacturers of this item realize that people come in different face sizes and that’s why the masks come in a variety of sizes. Twin strap and single strap designs are available with that convex shape and a nose clip for extra protection.

Finding a mask that works for your face is one important thing. The lightweight nature and comfort tag is vital to the mask offering efficiency in its purpose. Since not many materials are used in its manufacture, they are easily disposable. If you in work a construction company, re-furbishing your home, doing some painting or working with wood, it is vital to own a dust mask to help reduce exposure to particles from sand, paints, and drywalls. To avoid buying one piece every time, the dust masks come in boxes of around 20 masks.

Welding fumes, smoke, sawing, sanding and grinding are some other applications that a mask protects against. Working around your farm can prove hazardous so it is important to get a pair of dust masks in case you are doing some sweeping and weeding or pruning your garden. Allergens are everywhere in the air especially in dust. It is one thing to be wary of hazards and another to take precautions. A dust mask will save you a trip to the clinic; learn to protect yourself from viruses and bacteria that may come with pollen and soot.

To avoid dealing with the consequences that come with dust and other harmful airborne aspects, invest in this item. Dust masks are not expensive. The design and material used to make them will determine the price. There are various manufacturers of this product, however, 3M makes the most durable of the disposable masks, and these are the ones that our technicians normally use.

So do not be alarmed if you see the duct cleaning technician wearing one while cleaning your ducts. Its not that we are there creating lots of dust, but it is just a part of the normal safety precautions that we use on a daily basis.

If you need quality air duct cleaning at your home or office, call us at City Duct Cleaning.

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Also Read : How Dysfunctional Ductwork Makes You Spend More

Are you really allergic to your pet's fur?

Pet Dander Allergy – You’re Not Really Allergic to Your Pet’s Fur

If you are allergic to pet dander, and if having a fish for a pet doesn’t really do it for you, then you really have your job cut out for you finding a pet that won’t to get your pet dander allergies started.

Most allergic reactions to things are caused by little protein molecules called allergens that are found in all kinds of substances. Since proteins are important building blocks of every life form on earth, and since most pets are large animals that have proteins all over – in their fur, their skin, their saliva and their pee – there’s really no way to completely guarantee that you won’t have problems with a given pet.

Some people believe that if they could just get a pet that had short fur, then it wouldn’t be a problem. They feel that they will probably sneak past their pet dander allergy if they could only make sure that all the pets in the house had really short fur.

Of course, allergies aren’t that simple. You see, dander isn’t just hair. It’s anything that a pet sheds regularly – including skin flakes. When you see pet hair all around, you start to believe that it’s the hair that you’re allergic to. In fact, you’re allergic to the skin flakes that stick to the hair and that just fall about the house. You aren’t allergic to hair, mostly .

Basically, getting a pet with short hair isn’t really going to help you much. Getting a pet that doesn’t shed much hair – now that might help. Because when there’s less hair lying about, there’s not as much skin flakes lying around either.

If you have a pet in your home you would be amazed to see how much fur actually makes it into your air duct system. Whether you are the original owner of the home or if you bought the house used, air duct cleaning is a must! At a minimum, keep your air filter clean or consider upgrading to a more efficient filtration system. There are tons of options here.

Check out this helpful video about how to minimize pet dander in your home:

105mmx excellent home duct cleaning services

Excellent Home Duct Cleaning Services

Its always nice to hear some praise for the excellent work we do, so here are some recent comments from some of our awesome customers…

Jim from Toronto…

Just want to say thanks to the guys at City Duct Cleaning. They did a great job & showed me all the dirt that came out of my ducts. What a lot of JUNK. Anyways if you need your ducts cleaned, call City Duct.

Debbie from Toronto …

I had no idea as to how much dust was in our ducts. Allan took off the intake vent & showed me all the dust that was stuck on the nails and wood. After 2 hours (and of course a prayer….Thank you) he had everything out. Thank You.

 Stephen from Pickering…

The insulation in our attic took the crew from City Duct almost a full day to remove. Stupid raccoons got up through the soffet and started living up there. They took care of all the insulation and raccoon droppings, and took it to the dump. After seeing what the guys go through I can appreciate what a difficult job it actually is. Thanks A Lot.

Thank You from Mark & Debbie…

This is the 2nd time I’ve had City Duct clean my ducts. First was back in 2004 when we had a fire. This time we called them ourselves because we remembered what a wonderful job they did before.

Sandra. T. from Toronto

Liza at City Duct Cleaning explained how the technicians would clean my ducts. I understood everything she said and they did exactly what she said they would do. They even vacuumed my hot water tank & shined it up. Thank you for a clean job..

 John & Darlene from Toronto…

I had my ducts cleaned by a company who charged me $99.00. But after renovations, we decided to do it again so we googled duct cleaning Toronto and found City Duct Cleaning. After talking to the lady on the phone, I couldn’t believe how much more they do then the other company we had last year. City Duct Cleaning charged us $289.00 but what a job they did. They even pulled out stuff that has been in our ducts for a long time; obviously the other company had inferior equipment and didn’t do a good job. Next time it won’t be the $99.00 house special that gets my money.

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