
Vent Cleaning

dryer vent cleaning in Toronto

How Regular Dryer Vent Cleaning Can Benefit You in the Long Term

You might not remember when you last had the vents in your dryer cleaned. If that is the case, then it might have been a long time ago. Unfortunately, that can be problematic since it means that your machine might be working harder than necessary to get everything cleaner. That means that your energy bills might be going up since you are running the dryer more than necessary. And that can also be a fire hazard in your home. The good news is that with regular dryer vent cleaning in Toronto, you can easily prevent these issues.

Making Your Dryer Last Longer

Your dryer might become damaged if you run it when the vents are too dirty. It has to work harder to do the same job it got designed to do. Of course, no dryer will last forever. However, if you clean the vents regularly, you can extend its life span significantly. Each of the components inside of the dryer can last longer when you ensure that you regularly choose a dryer duct cleaning service in Toronto.

Making Your Home Safer

If your dryer has a lot of lint in it, there is a greater risk of fire. Lint and similar dirt are very dry, meaning the heat from the dryer could result in a fire. If the vents get clogged, then you have a fire hazard on your hands, and in some cases, carbon monoxide might begin to build up. Luckily, the right dryer duct cleaning service in Toronto will also inspect your dryer.

Extend the Life Span of Your Clothing

When there is a buildup in your dryer, the vents get blocked. That means that the dryer needs to run for a longer time to get the clothing dry. When your dryer has to run for a longer time, too much heat might begin to build up in that machine. That could cause excess wear and tear on your clothing since it could wear down the fibers that make up the fabric. Plus, they have to stay in the dryer for longer, and tumbling around can cause them to wear out faster. The good news is that you can mitigate the effects by choosing “dryer duct cleaning near me.”

Choose the Right Dryer Vent Cleaning in Toronto

You might not know when you should get your dryer cleaned. The good news is that City Duct Cleaning is here for you. We are happy to let you know when you should get your ducts cleaned. We can inspect them to look for a buildup of dirt. Feel free to reach out to us today to find out more about our cleaning service.

Also Read : How Frequently Should Duct Cleaning Be Done at Home?

HVAC System

What Protection Measures Can You Take Against the Coronavirus?

The world has been turned upside down by the rapid spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). No one has immunity against this highly contagious respiratory illness. The only way to stop it is to prevent it. The good news is that you can do your part by following a few simple steps. To protect your home against the virus, you might consider duct cleaning.

Keeping Things Clean

One of the best ways to prevent the virus’s spread is by washing your hands often. Use soap and warm water if available and scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. If you cannot find any soap, you can use a hand sanitizer with alcohol in it. If your hands have the virus on them, this simple step can kill it.

You should also practice respiratory hygiene. When you are sneezing or coughing, use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth. If you do not have a tissue, use your elbow. Wash your hands afterward. These steps stop the virus from spreading into the air.

Keep Your HVAC System Clean

The above recommendations from the CDC are important to follow, but you should also consider duct cleaning in Toronto. Think of your HVAC system as the lungs in your home. If the virus gets into your home or business, the ductwork can spread it throughout the building. A duct cleaning service will make sure that everything is spotless and disinfected.

The company will remove contaminants such as dust and dirt from the ducts, as well as the components of the HVAC system. Then the company can do an anti-microbial treatment on everything. The product will be gentle and child-friendly. There are several recommendations to help keep your system clean so you can breathe in good air.

First, you will want to make sure that you have a company come and clean out the ducts in your home every three years. For commercial property, you will want them to come by every two years.

You should also pay attention to signs of “sick building syndrome,” which occurs when there are toxins in your home or property. You will want to change the air filters every four weeks at the longest. That way, you are more likely to remove the virus from your home.

Turn to a Trusted Duct Cleaning Service

The best way to protect yourself against the virus is by taking preventative measures. There is a new danger to the general public from this sickness. Getting duct cleaning can help you maintain a spotless home or commercial space, making it less likely that the virus will survive on surfaces. Contact City Duct Cleaning today to get duct cleaning in Toronto.

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