
Indoor Air Quality

Cleaning a commercial HVAC air vent

The Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning

There is a lot of talk out there about the benefits of HVAC air duct cleaning. There’s also a fair amount of misinformation and confusion, but the fact is, cleaning your air ducts is an important part of maintaining a clean, effective HVAC system. That said, you should definitely make sure you know the facts about why air duct cleaning is so important, and then choose a reputable company – such as City Duct Cleaning – for your duct cleaning needs.


The biggest reason that you’re going to want to get your air ducts cleaned is for the overall indoor air quality of your home. Think of your heating and cooling system as the lungs of your house. Your HVAC system will bring air in, and then expel it back warmed up or cooled down, depending on the time of year. In an average home, over 40 pounds of dust can be accumulated. Combine that along with dander and household chemicals recirculating through your home’s lungs, and you’re going to want to get your home’s breathing system cleaned out from time to time.

Even if your home’s ducts have been cleaned recently, you might want to consider having them cleaned again, particularly if you or someone you live with has allergies, asthma or some other type of respiratory problem. Contaminants being recirculated through a home’s HVAC system can be more harmful in these cases.


There are several specific cases where you’re going to want to ensure you’re keeping your home’s air ducts clean. If your home is newly constructed, for example, or has just undergone renovations, there’s going to be a lot of dirt, dust, and debris from the construction work in the ducts that you’re going to want to get taken care of, no matter how much care the contractors took to keep the jobsite clean.

If you’ve had a flood or a plumbing leak, cleaning your ducts is going to be extra important to ensure that mould doesn’t start to form. If it’s already started, you’ll know… it will smell awful and it will be terrible for you to breathe in. Mould is one of the worst things that you can have in your duct system.


It’s been estimated that between 25 and 40 percent of the energy used to heat or cool a home is wasted during the process. When there are contaminants in your air ducts, or anywhere in your HVAC system, the system will be bogged down and it will have to work harder, costing you even more energy and more money. If your ducts are clean, it can help your system operate more efficiently.


Like in any other industry, there can be some scam artists out there when it comes to duct cleaning – and sometimes they attract attention for the worst reason. They’ll promise great prices, fast service, and try to scare you with all the dangers of avoiding duct cleaning, but a lot of times they won’t even have the right tools for the job, and they certainly won’t get it done right.

What you want is a company that you can trust. References are everything. A company like City Duct Cleaning, for example, has won the Consumer Choice award eight times for Toronto and the GTA.

The experts at City Duct Cleaning have years of experience and expertise. They’ve got the best equipment in the industry, and they charge fair prices for excellent service. City Duct Cleaning prides themselves on integrity, trust, and earning repeat business, and are the farthest things from scam artists that you’ll find in this industry.

Contact City Duct today and make an appointment – your home’s lungs will thank you.

Also Read : Why You Should Hire Air Duct Cleaning Services in Toronto

House Dust

What Is House Dust?

What Is House Dust?

Dust contains pollutants, viruses, and micro organisms that can stimulate allergies. The air ducts in your home retains moisture and provides a breeding ground for molds and mites.

Dust particles, hidden in your home’s ductwork, contribute to household odors that even commercial room air fresheners just can’t find.

They can also be the source of hay fever-like symptoms out of season.

The best possible way to rid your home of this indoor pollutant is to have your air duct system professionally cleaned.

The only way to have this done thoroughly is by using a truck-mounted vacuum system and high pressure compressed air. Leaf blowers or such low-quality duct cleaning equipment will not suffice, unless you are looking for a very low-quality job. A low quality duct cleaning is what you can normally expect from someone who offers a “whole house special”.

If you’re looking for a quality duct cleaning job for your home, call City Duct Cleaning Inc. today!

(416) 293-1800

Related Information:

Residential Duct Cleaning
Cleaning the Dryer Exhaust and Ducts In Your Condo

Why Air Quality Matters

Cleaning Air Vents

Cleaning your air vents and duct system is a maintenance item that should be done in every home or business at least once every two or three years.

The proper cleaning and maintenance of your air filter is also crucial. A clean air filter will allow the proper amount of air to be supplied to your furnace fan, which in turn helps your furnace to run cooler. A clean air filter also allows the occupants of the structure to breathe cleaner air.

Your dirty air filter is a good indication of the amount of dust that has collected inside the return air portion of your duct system.

Cleaning the air vents in your home is a small part of the overall job. It is advised that every homeowner remove and clean the vents and vacuum whatever dirt and dust that can be reached by hand. Return air grills should be removed, cleaned, and any accessible parts of the return air ducts should also be vacuumed at least once every six months.

These simple procedures will go a long way towards keeping your air duct system cleaner for longer.

The entire air duct system should be professionally cleaned by a highly-skilled duct cleaning technician using a truck-mounted vacuum system and compressed air. If your service provider does not use this type of equipment then it is very unlikely that he will be able to do a very thorough cleaning of your system.

For a guaranteed, quality job, whether this is for your home or your business, call City Duct Cleaning Inc. We have been cleaning all types of air duct systems for decades, and although every home is unique in its own way, there is not any type of system that we have not cleaned before.

Related Information:

Residential Duct Cleaning
Commercial Air Duct Cleaning
Beware of whole house specials

Are you really allergic to your pet's fur?

Pet Dander Allergy – You’re Not Really Allergic to Your Pet’s Fur

If you are allergic to pet dander, and if having a fish for a pet doesn’t really do it for you, then you really have your job cut out for you finding a pet that won’t to get your pet dander allergies started.

Most allergic reactions to things are caused by little protein molecules called allergens that are found in all kinds of substances. Since proteins are important building blocks of every life form on earth, and since most pets are large animals that have proteins all over – in their fur, their skin, their saliva and their pee – there’s really no way to completely guarantee that you won’t have problems with a given pet.

Some people believe that if they could just get a pet that had short fur, then it wouldn’t be a problem. They feel that they will probably sneak past their pet dander allergy if they could only make sure that all the pets in the house had really short fur.

Of course, allergies aren’t that simple. You see, dander isn’t just hair. It’s anything that a pet sheds regularly – including skin flakes. When you see pet hair all around, you start to believe that it’s the hair that you’re allergic to. In fact, you’re allergic to the skin flakes that stick to the hair and that just fall about the house. You aren’t allergic to hair, mostly .

Basically, getting a pet with short hair isn’t really going to help you much. Getting a pet that doesn’t shed much hair – now that might help. Because when there’s less hair lying about, there’s not as much skin flakes lying around either.

If you have a pet in your home you would be amazed to see how much fur actually makes it into your air duct system. Whether you are the original owner of the home or if you bought the house used, air duct cleaning is a must! At a minimum, keep your air filter clean or consider upgrading to a more efficient filtration system. There are tons of options here.

Check out this helpful video about how to minimize pet dander in your home:

103mmx allergies at home

Allergy Symptoms

Allergy symptoms can vary tremendously from person to person, allergen to allergen and place to place. In one person, the symptoms of allergies might be the typical sneezing, stuffy nose and runny eyes. Another person might suffer a general feeling of illness or malaise or stomach problems that they don’t understand are related to allergies. The human immune system is extremely complicated, and there are many different ways it can become disturbed and overreact to allergens. Getting your allergy symptoms under control can take months or even years.

If you or anyone in your household suffers from allergies then you should consider having your ducts cleaned, and especially, check out a HEPA filter.

These come in portable or whole-house systems that are attached right on your furnace, and can make an immediate improvement to your indoor air quality.

Allergies can be controlled and treated. So if you have any of these symptoms for more than a week you should seek the advice of a doctor. To learn more about the five most common allergy symptoms, take a look at the video below.

They do not mention anything about dust allergies specifically, but they do refer to and explain about the problems related to seasonal allergies, which can be just as bothersome.   Some good advice regarding avoidance of allergy symptoms is provided.


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