
How To Build Your Own Air Conditioner Using Just Plastic Bottles

City Duct Cleaning

Air conditioning that uses zero electricity? Sounds like it might be an interesting concept, but isn’t there always a catch? Here’s an innovative idea, especially when you consider that you would never need air duct cleaning, and you’d never need to worry about changing air filters or doing any maintenance either.

But would you really want something like this stuck in your window? It certainly wouldn’t do much for your curb appeal, and security would definitely be another factor that you’d need to consider.

Otherwise, its an amazing concept if it really works, and I’d be quite interested to see if the inventor has come up with anything else related to the HVAC field or anything that can save in energy costs.

Plastic bottles are usually destined for the recycle bin. But there are some very interesting upcycling things you can do with plastic bottles. Such as creating a zero electricity air conditioning unit!

Bangledeshi inventor Ashis Paul came up with the plastic bottle air conditioner, and it is already being used in over 25,000 homes in his country! Ad agency Grey Dhaka and Grameen Intel Social Business have contributed to these incredible efforts.

Really all you need to make your own Eco-Cooler is a board and a few plastic bottles.

First you cut the bottles in half. Then mount them into a grid through holes which are also bottleneck size. Now place the grid right over the window. The narrower top end should be facing inwards to the house.

Wind will blow through the bottles, and the result is cool air being funneled in.

It can reduce temps to up to 41F (or 5C). Not bad at all considering it doesn’t cost anything to actually make!

The hope is that this project reaches as many people as possible. Hence the project will be put online for free.

Check out the informative video and the incredible initiative happening with this project:

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