
Duct Cleaning Markham


Duct Cleaning Markham

At City Duct Cleaning we have been serving the Markham and Stouffville areas since we started our company back in 1985. Our office was located in Markham, and that was even before there was a 905 area code. Anyone could dial our number from the Toronto or Markham areas and if you didn’t already know where abouts the 294 prefix was from, it was all good.

Since most of our business came from across the Metropolitan Toronto line (Steeles Ave.), after that 905 thing came along it may have seemed to some people that all of a sudden we were from out of town. We did eventually move to Scarborough after we incorporated in 1987 and aquired our current 293 number with the 416 area code.

We have cleaned the air duct systems in thousands of brand new homes in the Markham area just prior to the closing dates. I remember seeing a huge wall map of the area north of Denison Ave. and south of 14th Avenue, and from Kennedy Rd. to Markham Rd. This is a huge, huge area and what I saw on the map were streets and specific Lots marked out for the whole thing.

At the time there were not so many houses in that huge area because most of that was all trees. They started taking out small areas at a time but ended up building thousands of new homes. This was in the early 90’s and we did the duct cleaning in just about every one of those houses just as the closing dates were coming up.

So if you live in that area then there is a pretty good chance that we have cleaned the duct system in your house at least one time. Its too bad that duct cleaning doesn’t last that long, even a good job like what we do. All air duct systems continue to get dirty, no matter how good an air filter you have or no matter how clean you keep your house. That’s why we recommend that your air duct system be re-cleaned at least every three years.

It was great living in Markham back then because for one, we were very often working close to home, and the traffic wasn’t so bad back then either.

We are a leader in what we call “builder jobs”, and we have worked for most of the larger builders in the area. As more and more people are becoming aware of air duct cleaning, many builders are now including our services as part of the new home package.

City Duct cleans ductwork in homes new and old in the Markham and Stouffville areas, and in businesses from small offices to very large factories and government facilities too. We are your air duct cleaning professionals.

We serve all of Toronto and the GTA including Markham, Stouffville, Thornhill, Vaughan, Woodbridge, Brampton and Mississauga. To the east we serve Pickering, Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa, and sometimes beyond.

(416) 293-1800

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