Cleaning Air Vents
Cleaning your air vents and duct system is a maintenance item that should be done in every home or business at least once every two or three years.
The proper cleaning and maintenance of your air filter is also crucial. A clean air filter will allow the proper amount of air to be supplied to your furnace fan, which in turn helps your furnace to run cooler. A clean air filter also allows the occupants of the structure to breathe cleaner air.
Your dirty air filter is a good indication of the amount of dust that has collected inside the return air portion of your duct system.
Cleaning the air vents in your home is a small part of the overall job. It is advised that every homeowner remove and clean the vents and vacuum whatever dirt and dust that can be reached by hand. Return air grills should be removed, cleaned, and any accessible parts of the return air ducts should also be vacuumed at least once every six months.
These simple procedures will go a long way towards keeping your air duct system cleaner for longer.
The entire air duct system should be professionally cleaned by a highly-skilled duct cleaning technician using a truck-mounted vacuum system and compressed air. If your service provider does not use this type of equipment then it is very unlikely that he will be able to do a very thorough cleaning of your system.
For a guaranteed, quality job, whether this is for your home or your business, call City Duct Cleaning Inc. We have been cleaning all types of air duct systems for decades, and although every home is unique in its own way, there is not any type of system that we have not cleaned before.
Related Information:
Residential Duct Cleaning
Commercial Air Duct Cleaning
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